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Selasa, 21 Mei 2013
Jenis Jenis Lensa Kamera DSLR
.1. Lensa Prima/Prime Lens
Lensa prima/prime lens adalah jenis lensa yang hanya memiliki rentang fokal tetap(fixed focal length) sehingga tidak dapat melakukan zoom.
Lensa prima biasa digunakan untuk portrait, kegiatan olah-raga dan lain sebagainya. Beberapa lensa prima yang sangat terkenal dan sering digunakan adalah lensa 50mm, 85mm, 135mm, dan 300mm dari berbagai merek lensa.
Contoh lensa prima 5omm dari merek Nikon adalah Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm.
2. Lensa Standard Zoom
Lensa standard zoom sering disebut juga sebagai jenis lensa jalan-jalan atau travelling. Lensa standard zoom biasanya mempunyai rentang fokal antara 16-85mm. Rentang fokal lensa standard zoom sangat fleksibel dan 80% dari photo anda kemungkinan diambil dengan mengunakan lensa standard zoom. Contoh lensa standar zoom dari berbagai merek antara lain : Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS, Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 VR, Nikon 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6 VR, Pentax 16-50mm f/2.8 dan lain sebagainya.
3 Lensa Wide Angle Zoom
3 Lensa Wide Angle Zoom
Lensa wide angle zoom adalah jenis lensa yang populer bagi photographer pemandangan atau arsitektur karena kemampuan lensa ini untuk menangkap bidang yang luas dengan prespektif yang dinamis. Contoh lensa wide angle zoom dari berbagai merek antara lain : Sigma 10-20mm, Canon EF-S 10- 22mm, Tokina 12-24mm dan lain sebagainya.
Trimakasih. . . >>> :)
4. Lensa Telephoto Zoom
Lensa telephoto zoom dapat adalah jenis lensa yang dapat membuat objek yang jauh terasa lebih dekat. Sangat populer dikalangan photographer binatang liar, olahraga, photo-jurnalistik dan banyak lagi. Lensa telephoto zoom juga populer untuk portrait karena kemampuannya dalam mengkompresi latar bekalang, sehingga model anda terlihat lebih enak dipandang. Biasanya lensa telephoto zoom rawan getar, maka dari itu lensa telephoto zoom yang memiliki Image stabilization sangat dianjurkan. Contoh lensa telephoto zoom dari berbagai merek antara lain : Canon 55-250mm IS, Sony 70-200mm f/2.8, Pentax 65-250mm f/4, Sigma 50-500mm dan sebagainya.
5. Lensa Super zoom
Lensa super zoom seperti sebuah gabungan dari lensa standard zoom dengan lensa telephoto zoom. Rentang fokal lensa super zoom sangat lebar, dari 18mm sampai 200mm bahkan ada yang sampai 270mm. Karena itu, lensa ini sangat populer untuk lensa jalan-jalan atau travelling. Ideal untuk orang yang tidak ingin mengganti-ganti lensa. Kekurangan lensa ini yaitu pada kualitas optiknya yang secara umum tidak se-prima lensa standard zoom ataupun lensa telephoto zoom.
6. Lensa Makro
Lensa makro adalah jenis lensa ideal untuk mengambil photo close-up atau detail shot dari benda-benda berukuran kecil, misalnya perhiasaan, bunga, serangga, dan lain sebagainya. Lensa makro mampu membesarkan objek yang diphoto dan menangkap detail dan warna dengan tajam. Lensa makro kadang dipakai untuk portrait karena rentang fokal lensa makro biasanya sekitar 90-200mm.Hasil photo dengan lensa makro memang sangat tajam, sehingga permukaan/surface object terlihat sangat jelas. Pada umumnya lensa Makro yang baik bukan dari jenis lensa zoom melainkan jenis lensa prime (fixed focal length).
Demikian uraian sederhana mengenai beberapa jenis lensa kamera DLSR secara umum. Semoga dapat membantu anda dalam mengambil keputusan jenis lensa mana yang paling cocok untuk digunakan pada kamera anda.
Namun demikian keputusan akhir ada ditangan anda, karena sesungguhnya dengan berbekal pengetahuan yang cukup tentang teknik photography hampir semua jenis lensa dapat melakukan hal yang sama, kecuali untuk beberapa jenis lensa yang sangat spesifik.
Trimakasih. . . >>> :)
Senin, 20 Mei 2013
Cara Crack IDM segala Version
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb
Hari ini saya mengalami kesulitan tentang IDM saya, kok minta serial number, padahal sudah sering saya masukan serial nya. nah ternyata setelah di otak atik, ketemu deh caranya. pengen tau gk caranya. . !!!
pertama yang pastinya harus di instal dulu idm nya,
yang kedua, setelah proses instalasi selesai, untuk yang trial. maka akan muncul gambar berikut.
klik ok
lalu gambar ini
kemudian isikan kolom nya, bebas, yang penting jngan serial number nya yang bebas.
nah, untuk serial. silahkan pilih salah satu dibawah ini :
maka akan seperti ini :
klik ok
kemudia silahkan putuskan hubungan anda dengan internet.
langkah selanjutnya, silahkan buka Windows Explorer klik C:/windows/system32/driver/etc/hosts
pada file hosts, buka dengan note pade, kemudian paste kan tex berikut di bawah kode localhost
ini dia tex nya :
selamat mencoba :::: :-)
Selasa, 07 Mei 2013
Artikel Islamiyah
Articles Islamic Education
As a person who adheres to the
teachings of Islam we should know the extent of Islamic education itself. Not a
few people who claim to be Muslims but the lack of knowledge about education
Islamsangat resulting actions and behavior do not deserve to be called a
Humans have the honor to be the
caliph on earth to cultivate nature and its contents. Only with knowledge and
faith alone tasks can be accomplished Caliphate into blessings and benefits for
nature and all His creatures. Without a sense of faith will walk alone so it
would appear mischief in the land and it would be dangerous to humans. And vice
versa based on the faith without knowledge will be easily misled and did not
understand how to process them into blessings and benefits to nature and
everything in it.
So important science, it is no
wonder the people of the Remembrance gets a high position both at the side of
God and man. (Qur'an Mujadilah (58): 11)
Even Shaytan against Muslims
overwhelmed the learned, because by his knowledge, he is not easily deceived by
Shaytan ruse.
Muadh bin Jabal ra. said: "If
people are beakal it has sin in the morning and evening as much grit number,
then finally he tends to still be saved from sin but rather suppose fools have
goodness and virtues in the morning and evening as much grit number, the
finally he could not keep it tends to weigh a mere mustard seed. "
Someone asked, "How did it
happen?" He replied, "Verily, if the rational was slipping, and he
immediately realized by way of repentance, and the use of reason that was
presented to him. But the fool is like a person who builds and instantly
knocked him his folly he is too easy to do what it can ruin shalihnya charity.
Ignorance is one of the factors
that impede the entry of the light of Islam. Therefore, human beings need
therapy to become a noble and exalted by God. The glory of man lies in his
sense that God endowed. Intellect is used to educate himself so has the science
to know the creator and worship Him properly. That is why the Prophet uses
educational methods to improve the man, because a man has a science education
is a right. Thus, he avoided slippage on immorality, weakness, poverty and
Importance of Islamic Education
Education is the key word for any
humans to gain knowledge. Just by going to science education is acquired and
absorbed properly. No wonder when the government is now 9-year study program
requires that people be smart and civil. Education is also a suitable approach
to human nature that has a stage in the growth phase.
Islamic Education has 3 (three)
stages, namely: recitations (read verse Allah), tazkiyah (purify the soul) and
ta'limul book wa Sunnah (teaching of the Bible and al wisdom). Education can
transform society due to ignorance be the best people to have educational
advantages. Education has a characteristic formation of understanding of Islam,
complete and thorough, maintaining what has been learned, the development of
the knowledge gained and to keep it on the rails sharia. Results of Islamic
Education will form a tranquil spirit, an intelligent mind and a strong
physique and a lot of charity.
Islamic education ruhiyah chime in
education, fikriyah (understanding / thinking) and amaliyah (activities).
Islamic values inculcated in individuals requiring tahpan-developed to the
next stage of empowerment in all sectors of human life. The potential is
developed later directed pengaktualan potential by entering into various fields
of life. (Surah Ali Imran (3): 103)
Education taught Allah through His
Messenger comes to the Qur'an as a reference and approaches that will shape the
tarbiyah conscious society and God as god alone.
Their lives will be saved in this
world and the hereafter. The results of the knowledge gained is a great pleasure,
in the form of knowledge, self-esteem, strength and unity.
The ultimate goal in Islamic
Education is for people to have a clear picture of Islam, complete and
Interactions within this gives
effect to the performance, the attitude, behavior and deeds so as to produce
good manners. Akhlaq is necessary and must be trained through practice reading
and reviewing the Qur'an, prayer nights, shoum (fasting) Sunnah, relating to
the family and society. The more often she exercises, the more the charity and
the easier it do good. Besides the exercise will conduct himself has a habit
that eventually became the daily lifestyle.
Continuity in Islamic Education
Islamic education in Arabic called
tarbiyah Islamiyah is the right and obligation of every man who wants to save
her in this world and the hereafter. In accordance with the words of the
Prophet Muhammad: "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the end." So he
was studying to educate yourself to understand Islam there is no such stop, semaki
lot of science that we get it we have a responsibility to pass on to someone
else to have the pleasure of learning, where the sustainability lies.
In addition to an obligation,
educated and educating activities is an attempt to have ma'dzirah (reason) for
the innocent to be accountable in future Allah SWT that optimal efforts have
been made to improve themselves and invite others to the truth as taught by the
Prophet manhaj SAW.
To produce a sustainable Islamic
education is needed some means, both to educate as well as an educated, namely:
1. Istiqomah
Each of us must continue to learn
and explore istiqomah knowledge of God, no parents in the study said, QS. Hud
(11): 112, QS. Al-Kahf (18): 28
2. Discipline in responsibility
In learning course we need time for
these activities. if only one of us is not present, it will disrupt the
learning process. If we often miss school, whether we will get the maximum
knowledge. We will be left with our friends, as well as teachers, when he would
play truant protege will not go forward because the subject is not increased.
3. Telling plays a role in education
All we are required to portray
himself as a teacher at certain moments, nurturing play function, while the
other acts as a friend. Demikiannya all roles are used to maximize the
educational activity.
Efficacy Of Garlic
Dr. Yongxiang Zhang of the
University of Tokyo, Japan stated that the ability of garlic inhibit
deterioration of the brain and the immune system in animals is impressive. That
does not mean that garlic is able to restore youth or completely inhibit the
aging process. But at least the benefits of garlic helps prevent aging process.
In addition, according to research Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center ,
SAMC chemicals found in garlic can inhibit cancer cell growth. By eating
garlic, cancer risk can be reduced.
High cholesterol levels are usually
a sign of the aging process. Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period
of time can help lower cholesterol levels. An anti-cholesterol in garlic called
ajoene help prevent blood clots.
Dr. Gilles Fillion from the
Institute Pasteur in France
suspect, garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Of course,
with a softer effect. He found that garlic is beneficial to help release
serotonin, a chemical that is involved in regulating a wide range of mood and
behavior, including anxiety, melancholy, pain, aggression, stress, lack of
sleep and memory. High levels of serotonin in the brain tends to function as a
sedative that placate you, facilitate sleep, and relieve melancholy. Garlic
helps normalize the serotonin system.
Health Drink Tea
Tea is a tropical and subtropical
plant which is scientifically known as Camellia Sinensis. From approximately
3000 types of tea result of cross-breeding, the results obtained are 3 kinds of
tea process, namely green tea, oolong tea, and black tea. The way is to chop
tea processing tea leaves and dried in the sun so that the chemical changes
before being dried. The treatment will cause the leaves to brown color and gives
black tea flavor characteristics.
Green tea, types of tea oldest,
well-liked, especially by the people of Japan
and China .
Here the tea leaves undergo little processing, heating and drying that only
green leaf color can be maintained. While oolong tea is more a kind of
transition between black tea and green tea. The three types of tea each have
health benefits because it contains polyphenols called biochemical bond,
including flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of antioxidants that are naturally
present in vegetables, fruits, and beverages such as tea and wine.
Subclass of polyphenols include
flavonols, flavones, flavanones, anthocyanidins, catechins, and biflavan.
Derivatives of catechins such as epi-catechin (EC), epigallo-catechin (EGC),
catechin gallate-epigallo (EGCG) and quercetin is commonly found in tea. EGCG
and quercetin is a powerful antioxidant with a strength of up to 4-5 times
greater than vitamin E and C, which also are potent antioxidants. Antioxidants
are known to prevent the cells from damage since any damage to the cells will
contribute more than 50 diseases.
Green tea contains EGCG, as well as
black tea, says a biochemist. In a study by Dutch researchers say, consume 4-5
cups of black tea every day will reduce the risk of stroke by 70% compared with
those who drank 2 cups of tea a day or less. Other reports mention more black
tea consumption was associated with lower rates of heart attack. John Folts,
director of the Medical School , Center for Research and Prevention of
Arterial Thrombosis, University of
Wisconsin , USA ,
discover the key properties of flavonoids in tea. Research results showed that
flavonoids in black tea can inhibit the clotting of blood platelet cells thus
preventing the clogging of blood vessels in coronary disease and stroke
hantung. Another study mentioned that fanatical tea drinkers had higher levels
of cholesterol and low blood pressure, although it remains unclear whether it
is directly caused by the tea.
Researchers at Case Western Reserve
University , Cleveland , USA
to find the effect of the use of green tea on the skin up to 90%. Apparently
tea is very effective in protecting the skin from the sun can cause skin
cancer. Tea also contains fluoride which is known to strengthen tooth enamel
and helps prevent tooth decay. In a laboratory study in Japan ,
researchers found that tea helps prevent the formation of dental plaque and
kill bacteria cause inflammation of the gums.
Research in Japan showed that its
occupation of tea producing region known as fanatic tea drinker, very low
mortality rate due to cancer. Another study, carried out cooperation between
research teams Oguni and cancer research center in Beijing to study the effects of green tea
extract on mice that had been given food rations carcinogenic (cancer-triggering
substances). Reportedly, the average rate of cancer in mice that received green
tea extract half of the mice that did not receive the green tea extract.
The researchers believe that known
as catechin polyphenols found in green tea, help the human body fight cancer
cells. Another study conducted by Oguni and Dr.. Masami Yamada of the Hamamatsu Medical Center
found cathecin kill Helicobator pylori, the bacteria trigger stomach cancer.
Nutrient Content of Red Beans
Kidney beans actually has the ability
to cope with various diseases, among them capable of reducing blood vessel
damage, can lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar concentrations,
and lower the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer.
nutrient content in the kidney
beans are very good for the health of the human body. Dried red beans are a
source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin B, folasin,
thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that
can reduce the risk of blood vessel damage.
Red beans and fat contains very low
sodium, almost free of saturated fat, and free kolersterol. In addition, red
beans are also a good source of fiber. In 100 grams of dried red beans, can
produce 4 grams of fiber consisting of water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber
water. Water-soluble fiber significantly lower blood cholesterol and blood
sugar levels.
To get the perfect efficacy of red
beans, there are several things that need to be done in the process. After
soaking, discard the soaking water red beans. Then boil the red beans in a pot
covered for 3 minutes, and let stand for 2 hours to allow the water to settle.
Replace water soaking it with water that mature, and let stand overnight. The
next day, red beans are ready to be cooked a delicious meal. This needs to be
done to eliminate the ability of red beans to produce gas in the gut that would
make the stomach feel bloated.
Overview of Asthma
Asthma is a symptom caused by
abnormalities of the respiratory tract in the form of a heightened sensitivity
to stimuli from the environment as a trigger.
The trigger symptoms may include
fatigue the mind (emotional distress), physical fatigue, changes in the
environment that are not expected (weather, humidity, temperature, smoke
(especially cigarettes) and smells that stimulate), respiratory infections,
especially influenza disease specific, and allergic reactions of the material
inhaled or ingested.
Level of airway sensitivity
symptoms begins from mild symptoms (such as runny nose / sneezing or coughing that
often recurrent / relapsed) to severe symptoms of an asthma attack (difficulty
breathing). This situation is in fact characterized by a background of allergic
The emergence of multiple
sensitivity levels recorded symptoms / can be expressed by the patient usually
begins since childhood. Approximately 50% of the symptoms will go away by
itself, although at one time these symptoms will appear again at a rate of more
severe symptoms are often given the term asthma. Around 55-6 -% in respiratory
allergic diseases can be reduced to a child or grandchild, and the rest is
caused by the pollution of the environment is lacking or still not getting the
attention, because it is a new symptom emerged as adults and not as a strange
Basic problems in asthma is airway
abnormality that turned away the reaction / Inflammation (due to allergic
reactions) caused by exposure to the ingredients include:
• Dust is in the house dust from
cotton mattress (especially long), carpet, sofa, clothes stored longer in the
closet, ceiling roof, buku-buku/kertas old archives, etc..
• Raw foods especially sea fish,
milk, eggs, chocolate, nuts, etc.. (Being a group of materials that have makann
traits that irritate al spicy, cold, sticky, sweet / sour, salty, etc.. Rather
than a cause but the trigger).
• Environment including fur derived
from agricultural materials (pollen, hay, grass, bagasse, etc..), A material
derived from feathers and bird droppings as well as pets.
Lirik Lagu Forgiven-Whitin Temptation-Download
Couldn't save you from the start
Loved you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Time has passed you by
Oh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Oh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away
Oh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Oh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
And here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you?
Why has fate deceived me?
Everything turned out so wrong
Why do you leave me in silence?
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
Atau Download Lagunya disini
Loved you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Time has passed you by
Oh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Oh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away
Oh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Oh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
And here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you?
Why has fate deceived me?
Everything turned out so wrong
Why do you leave me in silence?
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
Atau Download Lagunya disini
Minggu, 05 Mei 2013
Cord lagu Ipang-Hey
Intro : E
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,.,,.,. belum juga aku mengerti
C#m F#m A
Apa yang sedang ku rasakan
Tak seperti biasanya
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,., mungkin semua karenamu
C#m F#m A
Sudah tak bisa ku nikmati
Saat kau tak bersamaku
Reff :
E Bm
Seandainya saja ku bisa katakan
Jangan kau tinggalkan
E Bm
Saat ini ku ragu bisakah ku nikmati
Semua tanpamu selamanya
Interlude : E D C#m C 4x E
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,.. pernah ku katakan dalam hati
C#m F#m A
Mencoba untuk menikmati
Semua yang terjadi
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,., ternyata sangat melelahkan
C#m F#m A
Harus ku hadapi kenyataan
Sendiri tak bersamamu
Balik ke Reff
E F#m A B
Karena ku terbiasa
E F#m A B
Sendiri menikmatinya
E F#m A B
Berharap ku terbiasa
E F#m A B
Sendiri menikmatinya
Coda : E
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,.,,.,. belum juga aku mengerti
C#m F#m A
Apa yang sedang ku rasakan
Tak seperti biasanya
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,., mungkin semua karenamu
C#m F#m A
Sudah tak bisa ku nikmati
Saat kau tak bersamaku
Reff :
E Bm
Seandainya saja ku bisa katakan
Jangan kau tinggalkan
E Bm
Saat ini ku ragu bisakah ku nikmati
Semua tanpamu selamanya
Interlude : E D C#m C 4x E
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,.. pernah ku katakan dalam hati
C#m F#m A
Mencoba untuk menikmati
Semua yang terjadi
E D#m D C#m E D#m D
Hey,., ternyata sangat melelahkan
C#m F#m A
Harus ku hadapi kenyataan
Sendiri tak bersamamu
Balik ke Reff
E F#m A B
Karena ku terbiasa
E F#m A B
Sendiri menikmatinya
E F#m A B
Berharap ku terbiasa
E F#m A B
Sendiri menikmatinya
Coda : E
Kunci gita Geisha - Pilihan Hatiku
GEISHA – pilihan hatiku
[intro] F C G Am
C Bm E
Berdiri ku di sini hanya untukmu
Am F G
Dan yakinkan ku untuk memilihmu
C Bm E
Dalam hati kecilku inginkan kamu
Am F G
Berharap untuk dapat bersamamu
Aku kan ada untuk dirimu
Dan bertahan untukmu
C G/B Am G
Terlukis indah raut wajahmu dalam benakku
F Em Dm G
Berikan ku cinta terindah Yang hanya untukku
C G/B Am G
Tertulis indah puisi cinta Dalam hatiku
F Em Dm G
Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
[int] F C G Am
C Bm E
Dalam hati kecilku inginkan kamu
Am F G
Berharap untuk dapat bersamamu
[solo] F C F C F C G
C G/B Am Gm
Terlukis indah raut wajahmu dalam benakku
C F Em Dm G
Berikan ku cinta terindah Yang hanya untukku
C G/B Am Gm
Tertulis indah puisi cinta Dalam hatiku
C F Em Dm G
Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
C G/B Am Gm
Terlukis indah raut wajahmu dalam benakku
C F Em Dm G
Berikan ku cinta terindah Yang hanya untukku
C G/B Am Gm
Tertulis indah puisi cinta Dalam hatiku
C F Em Dm G
Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
[ending] C
C Bm E
Berdiri ku di sini hanya untukmu
Am F G
Dan yakinkan ku untuk memilihmu
C Bm E
Dalam hati kecilku inginkan kamu
Am F G
Berharap untuk dapat bersamamu
Aku kan ada untuk dirimu
Dan bertahan untukmu
C G/B Am G
Terlukis indah raut wajahmu dalam benakku
F Em Dm G
Berikan ku cinta terindah Yang hanya untukku
C G/B Am G
Tertulis indah puisi cinta Dalam hatiku
F Em Dm G
Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
[int] F C G Am
C Bm E
Dalam hati kecilku inginkan kamu
Am F G
Berharap untuk dapat bersamamu
[solo] F C F C F C G
C G/B Am Gm
Terlukis indah raut wajahmu dalam benakku
C F Em Dm G
Berikan ku cinta terindah Yang hanya untukku
C G/B Am Gm
Tertulis indah puisi cinta Dalam hatiku
C F Em Dm G
Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
C G/B Am Gm
Terlukis indah raut wajahmu dalam benakku
C F Em Dm G
Berikan ku cinta terindah Yang hanya untukku
C G/B Am Gm
Tertulis indah puisi cinta Dalam hatiku
C F Em Dm G
Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
[ending] C
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